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3.13 lmtpd

The LMTP is a local mail transport protocol defined in RFC 2033. GNU Mailutils is shipped with lmtpd - a daemon for delivering messages using this protocol.

The daemon shares most of its codebase and configuration with mda and consequently provides the same features. See mda, for a detailed description of these.

The behavior of lmtpd is affected by the following configuration statements:

serverSee Server Settings
aclSee The acl Statement.
tcp-wrappersSee The tcp-wrappers Statement.
debugSee The debug Statement.
mailboxSee The mailbox Statement.
lockingSee The locking Statement.
pamSee PAM Statement.
sqlSee The sql Statement.
virtdomainSee The virtdomain Statement.
radiusSee The radius Statement.
ldapSee The ldap Statement.
authSee The auth Statement.
mailerSee The mailer Statement.