GNU Mailutils Manual (split by node):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: Programs   Up: configuration   FastForward: Libraries   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Function Index

3.2.20 The ldap Statement


ldap {
  # Enable LDAP lookups.
  enable bool;
  # Set URL of the LDAP server.
  url url;
  # Base DN for LDAP lookups.
  base string;
  # DN for accessing LDAP database.
  binddn string;
  # Password for use with binddn.
  passwd string;
  # Use TLS encryption.
  tls bool;
  # Set LDAP debugging level.
  debug number;
  # Set a field-map for parsing LDAP replies.
  field-map list;
  # LDAP filter to use for getpwnam requests.
  getpwnam string;
  # LDAP filter to use for getpwuid requests.
  getpwuid filter;


The ldap statement configures the use of LDAP for authentication.

Configuration: enable bool

Enables LDAP lookups. If absent, ‘enable On’ is assumed.

Configuration: url url

Sets the URL of the LDAP server.

Configuration: base string

Defines base DN for LDAP lookups.

Configuration: binddn string

Defines the DN for accessing LDAP database.

Configuration: passwd string

Password for use when binding to the database.

Configuration: tls bool

Enable the use of TLS when connecting to the server.

Configuration: debug number

Set LDAP debug level. Please refer to the OpenLDAP documentation, for allowed number values and their meaning.

Configuration: field-map map

Defines a map for parsing LDAP replies. The map is a list of mappings1. Each mapping is ‘field=attr’, where attr is the name of the LDAP attribute and field is a field name that declares what information that attribute carries. Available values for field are:


User name.


User password.


UID of the user.


GID of the primary group.


Textual description of the user.


User’s home directory


User’s shell program.

The default mapping is

Configuration: getpwnam string

Defines the LDAP filter to use for ‘getpwnam’ requests. The default is:

  (&(objectClass=posixAccount) (uid=$user))
Configuration: getpwuid string

Defines the LDAP filter to use for ‘getpwuid’ requests. The default filter is:

  (&(objectClass=posixAccount) (uidNumber=$user))



For backward compatibility, map can be a string containing colon-delimited list of mappings. Such usage is, however, deprecated.

GNU Mailutils Manual (split by node):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: Programs   Up: configuration   FastForward: Libraries   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Function Index