GNU Mailutils Manual (split by node):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: Programs   Up: sieve interpreter   FastForward: Libraries   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Function Index Sieve Configuration

The behavior of sieve is affected by the following configuration statements:

debugSee The debug Statement.
tlsSee The tls Statement.
mailboxSee The mailbox Statement.
lockingSee The locking Statement.
loggingSee The logging Statement.
mailerSee The mailer Statement.

The following statements configure sieve-specific features:

Sieve Conf: sieve { ... }

This block statement configures search paths sieve uses to locate its loadable modules. See Require Statement, for a detailed information about loadable modules.

This statement may contain the following sub-statements:

Sieve Conf: clear-library-path bool

If bool is ‘true’, clear library search path.

Sieve Conf: clear-include-path bool

If bool is ‘true’, clear include search path.

Sieve Conf: library-path path

Add directories to sieve library search path. Argument is a string containing a colon-separated list of directories.

Sieve Conf: library-path-prefix path

Add directories to the beginning if the library search path. Argument is a string containing a colon-separated list of directories.

Sieve Conf: include-path path

Add directories to the include search path. Argument is a string containing a colon-separated list of directories.

Sieve Conf: keep-going bool

If bool is ‘true’, do not abort if execution of a Sieve script fails on a particular message.

Sieve Conf: mbox-url url

Sets URL of the mailbox to be processed.

Sieve Conf: ticket file

Sets the name of the ticket file for user authentication.

Sieve Conf: debug flags

Sets Sieve debug flags. See Logging and debugging, for a detailed description.

Sieve Conf: verbose bool

If bool is ‘true’, log all executed actions.

Sieve Conf: line-info bool

If bool is ‘true’, print source locations along with action logs. This statement takes effect only if verbose true is also set.

Sieve Conf: email addr

Set user e-mail address. This is useful for reject and redirect actions. By default, the user email address is deduced from the user name and the full name of the machine where sieve is executed.

GNU Mailutils Manual (split by node):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: Programs   Up: sieve interpreter   FastForward: Libraries   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Function Index