GNU Mailutils Manual (split by node):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: Programs   Up: pop3d   FastForward: Libraries   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Function Index

3.16.4 Pop3d Configuration

The following configuration file statements affect the behavior of pop3d.

debugSee The debug Statement.
tlsSee The tls Statement.
tls-file-checksSee The tls-file-checks Statement.
mailboxSee The mailbox Statement.
lockingSee The locking Statement.
loggingSee The logging Statement.
pamSee PAM Statement.
sqlSee The sql Statement.
virtdomainSee The virtdomain Statement.
radiusSee The radius Statement.
ldapSee The ldap Statement.
authSee The auth Statement.
serverSee Server Settings.
aclSee The acl Statement.
tcp-wrappersSee The tcp-wrappers Statement.
Pop3d Conf: tls-mode mode

Configure the use of TLS encryption for inetd mode.

In daemon mode, this statement sets the type of TLS encryption to use in all server blocks that lack the tls-mode statement (see The server Statement).

Allowed values for mode are:


TLS is not used. The STLS command won’t be available even if the TLS configuration is otherwise complete.


TLS is initiated when the user issues the appropriate command. This is the default when TLS is configured.


Same as above, but the use of TLS is mandatory. The authentication state is entered only after TLS negotiation has succeeded.


TLS is always forced when the connection is established (POP3S protocol).

Pop3d Conf: undelete bool

On startup, clear deletion marks from all the messages.

Pop3d Conf: expire n

Automatically expire read messages after n days. See Auto-expire, for a detailed description.

Pop3d Conf: delete-expired bool

Delete expired messages upon closing the mailbox. See Auto-expire, for a detailed description.

Pop3d Conf: login-delay duration

Set the minimal allowed delay between two successive logins. See Login delay, for more information.

Pop3d Conf: stat-file file

Set the name of login statistics file for the login-delay facility. See Login delay, for more information.

Pop3d Conf: bulletin-source file

Get bulletins from the specified mailbox. See Bulletins, for a detailed description.

Pop3d Conf: bulletin-db file

Set bulletin database file name. See Bulletins, for a detailed description.

GNU Mailutils Manual (split by node):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: Programs   Up: pop3d   FastForward: Libraries   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Function Index