GNU Mailutils Manual (split by node):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: Programs   Up: mda   FastForward: Libraries   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Function Index

3.12.7 MDA Configuration File Summary

The behavior of mda is affected by the following configuration statements:

debugSee The debug Statement.
mailboxSee The mailbox Statement.
lockingSee The locking Statement.
pamSee PAM Statement.
sqlSee The sql Statement.
virtdomainSee The virtdomain Statement.
radiusSee The radius Statement.
ldapSee The ldap Statement.
authSee The auth Statement.
mailerSee The mailer Statement.
MDA Config: stderr bool

If bool is true, log to standard error instead of syslog.

MDA Config: deliver { ... }

This section contains general delivery settings:

deliver {
  domain string;
  exit-multiple-delivery-success arg;
deliver: domain name

Default email domain.

deliver: exit-multiple-delivery-success arg;

In case of multiple delivery, exit with code 0 if at least one delivery succeeded.

MDA Config: forward { ... }

Controls the forwarding support:

forward {
  file name;
  file-checks (list);
forward: file name

Defines the name of the forward file. E.g.:

forward {
  file .forward;

See Forwarding, for a detailed description.

forward: file-checks (list)

Configures safety checks to be performed on the forward file prior to using it. See Forwarding, for a detailed description.

MDA Config: quota { ... }

This section configures mail quota support. See Mailbox Quotas, for a detailed description.

quota {
  database name;
  sql-query query;
  exit-tempfail bool;
quota: database name

Sets the name of the quota database in DBM format. See Keeping Quotas in DBM File.

quota: sql-query query

If the quotas are kept in a SQL table, this statement defines the SQL query to retrieve the quota for a given user name. See Keeping Quotas in SQL Database.

quota: exit-tempfail bool

By default, if a message cannot be delivered because the user has exceeded its mail quota, or its delivery would cause it to be exceeded, MDA exits with the ‘service unavailable’ status, which causes MTA to return the 550 code. If exit-tempfail is set to true, it will return a temporary error instead.

MDA Config: script { ... }

Controls scripting. See Scripting in mda.

script {
  language lang;
  pattern glob;
script: language lang

Defines the language that is used for scripting. Allowed values for lang are: ‘sieve’, ‘scheme’, or ‘python’. See scripting language.

script: pattern pat

Defines the pattern for the script file name. The ‘~’ at the begiining of the pattern will be replaced with the name of the home directory of the recipient user. The ‘%u’ in pattern will be replaced with the recipient user name, and ‘%h’ with the home directory for that user.

GNU Mailutils Manual (split by node):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: Programs   Up: mda   FastForward: Libraries   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Function Index