![]() |
GNU Mailutils |
General-Purpose Mail Package |
Official GNU Software |
The primary aim of this implementation is to provide an interface between Mailutils and Emacs using mh-e module.
To use Mailutils MH with Emacs, add the following line to your site-start.el or .emacs file:
(load "mailutils-mh")
For the information about the current state of Mailutils MH implementation please refer to file mh/TODO in the Mailutils distribution directory.
Message sequence numbers are used as UIDs and thus increase monotonically. This means, in particular, that if your inbox has messages in the range ‘X--Y’ and you delete all messages and then incorporate new mail, the first incorporated message will be assigned sequence number ‘Y + 1’ (other MH implementations will assign ‘1’). If this behavior bugs you, add the following setting to your .mh_profile:
Volatile-uidnext: true
You can always renumber your messages starting from ‘1’ by running
folder -pack=1
These options are recognized only if no other arguments are present in the command line. Abbreviations are not recognized. This makes Mailutils MH implementation compatible with the standard usage for GNU tools.
Decodes the input string str as per RFC 2047. Useful in printing ‘From:’, ‘To:’ and ‘Subject:’ headers.
Notice that, unlike the similar NMH function, decode
checks the value
of the global profile variable Charset
(see Charset variable)
to determine the charset to output the result in. If this variable is
not set, decode
returns its argument without any change. If
this variable is set to auto
, decode
tries to determine
the charset name from the setting of LC_ALL
variable. Otherwise, the value of Charset
is taken to be the
name of the character set.
Returns package name (string ‘mailutils’).
Returns full package string (e.g. ‘GNU Mailutils 2.1’)
Returns mailutils version.
The function removes any leading whitespace and eventual ‘Re:’ prefix from its argument. Useful for creating subjects in reply messages:
%<{subject}Subject: Re: %(unre{subject})\\n%>
Sets the regular expression used to recognize reply messages. The argument r should be a POSIX extended regular expression. Matching is case insensitive.
For example, the following invocation
%(reply_regex ^\(re|aw|ang|odp\)\(\\[[0-9]+\\]\)?:[[:blank:]])
corresponds to English ‘Re’, Polish ‘Odp’, Norwegian ‘Aw’ or German ‘Ang’, optionally followed by a number in brackets, followed by colon and any amount of whitespace. Notice proper quoting of the regex metacharacters.
See also Reply-Regex
(see Reply-Regex variable) and
(see isreply MH function) below.
If str is not given, the value of ‘Subject:’ header is taken.
The function returns true if its argument matches the “reply subject”
regular expression. This expression is set via the global profile variable
(see Reply-Regex variable) or via the format
function reply_regex
This function is useful for creating ‘Subject:’ headers in reply messages. For example, consider the following construction:
%<{subject}%(lit)%<(isreply)%?\ (profile reply-prefix)%(concat)%|%(concat Re:)%>\ %(concat{subject})%(printhdr Subject: )\n%>
If the ‘Subject:’ header already contained reply prefix, this construct
leaves it unchanged. Otherwise it prepends to it the value of
profile variable, or, if it is unset, the string
This expression is used in default replcomps and replgroupcomps files.
This function returns true if the given element is present in the
recipient mask (as modified by -cc or -nocc options) and
false otherwise. It is used in default formats for repl
, e.g.:
%(lit)%<(rcpt to)%(formataddr{to})%>
Notice that this means that usual replcomps file will be ignoring -cc and -nocc options, unless it has been modified as shown above.
Appends whitespace + arg to string register.
Prints the value of string register, prefixed by str. The output is formatted as a RFC 822 header, i.e. it is split at whitespace characters nearest to the width boundary and each subsequent segment is prefixed with horizontal tabulation.
Generates the value for ‘In-reply-to:’ header according to RFC 2822.
Generates the value for ‘References:’ header according to RFC 2822.
Controls the character set in which the components decoded via
the decode
(see decode function) format function should be
Keeps the regular expression used to recognize reply messages. The argument should be a POSIX extended regular expression. Matching is case insensitive.
For more information, please see See reply_regex function.
The prompt in interactive mode is ‘Component name:’, instead
of ‘Enter component name:’ displayed by the RAND anno
If a -component field is not specified and standard input
is not connected to a terminal, anno
does not display
the prompt before reading the component from the standard input.
RAND anno
displays the prompt anyway.
The utility is able to burst both RFC 934 digest messages and MIME multipart messages. It provides two additional command line options: -recurse and -length.
The -recurse option instructs the utility to recursively expand the digest.
The -length option can be used to set the minimal encapsulation
boundary length for RFC 934 digests. Default length is 1,
i.e. encountering one dash immediately following a newline triggers
digest decoding. It is OK for messages that follow RFC 934
specification. However, many user agents do not precisely follow it,
in particular, they often do not escape lines starting with a dash by
‘- ’ sequence. Mailman
is one of such agents. To cope
with such digests you can set encapsulation boundary length to a higher
value. For example, bounce -length 8
has been found to be
sufficient for most Mailman-generated digests.
Understands -build option.
This command is not provided. Use fmtcheck instead.
to move
messages into another folder after incorporating them. This option
has effect only if the -truncate option has also been
specified and the underlying mailbox supports the ‘move’
operation. Currently only ‘imap’ and ‘imaps’ mailboxes
support it. For example, the following command moves incorporated
messages into the ‘archive’ folder:
inc -file imaps://imap.gmail.com -moveto=archive
The ‘moveto’ URL parameter can be used instead of this option, e.g.:
inc -file 'imaps://imap.gmail.com;moveto=archive'
is able to incorporate messages from several
source mailboxes. These are specified via multiple -file
options, e.g.:
inc -truncate \ -file 'imaps://imap.gmail.com;moveto=archived' \ -file pops://mail.gnu.org \ -file /var/mail/root
Moves incorporated messages into another folder. This was discussed above.
Disables the previous -moveto option.
Controls source mailbox truncation. If bool is not given or it is ‘yes’, the mailbox will be truncated after successful processing. If bool is ‘no’, the source mailbox will not be truncated.
The ‘ignores’ keyword can be used in variable list. In that case, if its value contains more than one component name it must be enclosed in double-quotes, e.g.:
The above is equivalent to the following traditional notation:
leftadjust,compwidth=9 ignores=msgid,message-id,received
The ‘MessageName’ component is not yet implemented.
Interactive prompting is not yet implemented.
The following format variables are silently ignored: ‘center’, ‘split’, ‘datefield’.
editing mode. This
is also the default mode. This differs from the standard
, which switches to the editing mode only if no other
options were given and the input file name coincides with the value of
environment variable.
prints the decoded message content using moreproc
variable. Standard mhn
in this case used to print ‘don't
know how to display content’ diagnostic.
The default behaviour is to pipe the content to the standard input
of the mhn-show-type[/subtype] command. This is altered to using a
temporary file if the command contains %f
or %F
header contains ‘filename=’,
and mhn
is invoked with -auto switch, it
transforms the file name into the absolute notation and uses it only
if it lies below the current mhn-storage directory. Standard
only requires that the file name do not begin with ‘/’.
Before saving a message part, GNU mhn
checks if the file already
exists. If so, it asks whether the user wishes to rewrite it. This
behaviour is disabled when -quiet option was given.
The -all mode does not display commented out entries.
New command line option -cflags allows to control the type of regular expressions used. The option must occur right before --component pattern or equivalent construct (like -cc, -from, etc.)
The argument to this option is a string of type specifications:
B | Use basic regular expressions |
E | Use extended regular expressions |
I | Ignore case |
C | Case sensitive |
Default is ‘EI’.
The flags remain in effect until the next occurrence of -cflags option.
Sample usage:
pick -cflag BC -subject '*a string'
The date comparison options (-before and -after accept date specifications in a wide variety of formats, e.g.:
pick -after 20030301 pick -after 2003-03-01 pick -after 01-mar-2003 pick -after 2003-mar-01 pick -before '1 year ago' etc...
If prompter
is built without readline
, it accepts
the following character notations:
Here, n stands for a single octal digit.
This notation is translated to the ASCII code ‘chr + 0100’.
will add it automatically.
never makes links even if called with
-link option. The latter is actually a synonym for -copy,
which preserves the original message.
Understands -use option. Disposition shell provides
Mailutils rmm
does not delete any messages. Standard
in this case deletes all messages preceding the
non-existent one.
utility will unlink messages, if the rmmproc
profile component has empty value, e.g.:
The -file option is not supported. This option is present in
the nmh
implementation of scan
New option -numfield specifies numeric comparison for the given field.
Any number of -datefield, -textfield and -numfield options may be given, thus allowing to build sort criteria of arbitrary complexity.
The order of -.*field options sets the ordering priority. This
differs from the behaviour of the standard sortm
, which
always orders datefield-major, textfield-minor.
Apart from sorting the mailfolder the following actions may be specified:
List the ordered messages using a format string given by -form or -format option.
Do not actually sort messages, rather print what would have been done. This is useful for debugging purposes.
This document was generated on January 3, 2025 using makeinfo.
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.