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GNU Mailutils |
General-Purpose Mail Package |
Official GNU Software |
Configuration files are the principal means of configuring any GNU Mailutils component. When started, each utility tries to load its configuration from the following locations, in that order:
It is named sysconfdir/mailutils.conf, where sysconfdir stands for the system configuration directory set when compiling the package. You can obtain the value of sysconfdir by running
$ mailutils info sysconfdir
$ prog --show-config-options | grep SYSCONFDIR
where prog stands for any GNU Mailutils utility.
The site-wide configuration file is not read if any of --no-site-config or --no-config command line options was given.
Older versions of GNU Mailutils read configuration from file mailutils.rc. To facilitate transition, mailutils will look for that file as well. If both the default site-wide configuration file and legacy configuration file are present you will get the following warning:
legacy configuration file /etc/mailutils.rc ignored
Otherwise, if mailutils.conf does not exist and mailutils.rc is present, it will be used instead and the following warning will be issued:
using legacy configuration file /etc/mailutils.rc: please rename it to /etc/mailutils.conf
Client utilities, such as frm
or sieve
, look in
the user home directory for a file named ‘.prog’, where
prog is the name of the utility. If present, this file will be
loaded after loading the site-wide configuration file. For example,
the per-user configuration file for sieve
utility is named
Loading of per-user configuration file is disabled by --no-user-config and --no-config options.
Server programs, such as imap4d
don’t use per-user
configuration files.
The --no-config option provides a shortcut for disabling loading of the default configuration files. For servers, its effect is the same as of --no-site-config. For client utilities, it is equivalent to --no-site-config --no-user-config used together.
The --config-file command line option instructs the program to read configuration from the file supplied as its argument. In that case, default configuration files are not used at all.
Neither site-wide nor user configuration files are required to exist. If any or both of them are absent, GNU Mailutils won’t complain – the utility will silently fall back to its default settings.
To make configuration processing more verbose, use the --config-verbose command line option. Here is an example of what you might get using this option:
imap4d: parsing file `/etc/mailutils.conf' imap4d: finished parsing file `/etc/mailutils.conf'
Specifying this option more than once adds more verbosity to this output. If this option is given two times, GNU Mailutils will print each configuration file statement it parsed, along with the exact location where it occurred (the exact meaning of each statement will be described later in this chapter):
imap4d: parsing file `/etc/mailutils.conf' # 1 "/etc/mailutils.conf" mailbox { # 2 "/etc/mailutils.conf" mailbox-pattern maildir:/var/spool/mail;type=index;param=2;user=${user}; # 3 "/etc/mailutils.conf" mailbox-type maildir; }; # 6 "/etc/mailutils.conf" include /etc/mailutils.d; imap4d: parsing file `/etc/mailutils.d/imap4d' ...
To test configuration file without actually running the utility, use the --config-lint command line option. With this option, any Mailutils utility exits after finishing parsing of the configuration files. Any errors occurred during parsing are displayed on the standard error output. This option can be combined with --config-verbose to obtain more detailed output.
The --config-help command line option produces on the
standard output the summary of all configuration statements understood
by the utility, with detailed comments and in the form suitable for
configuration file. For example, the simplest way to write a
configuration file for, say, imap4d
is to run
$ imap4d --config-help > imap4d.conf
and to edit the imap4d.conf file with your editor of choice.
The order in which configuration files are loaded defines the precedence of their settings. Thus, for client utilities, settings from the per-user configuration file override those from the site-wide configuration.
It is also possible to set or override arbitrary configuration variables in the command line. It can be done via the --set option. Its argument is a pathname of the variable to be set, followed by an equals sign and a value. For example, to define the variable ‘syslog’ in section ‘logging’ to ‘no’, do the following:
$ imap4d --set .logging.syslog=no
Configuration pathnames are discussed in detail in Statement Path. For a detailed description of this option, the --set option.
The --set options are processed after loading all configuration files.
StatementThe configuration file consists of statements and comments.
There are three classes of lexical tokens: keywords, values, and separators. Blanks, tabs, newlines and comments, collectively called white space are ignored except as they serve to separate tokens. Some white space is required to separate otherwise adjacent keywords and values.
Comments may appear anywhere where white space may appear in the configuration file. There are two kinds of comments: single-line and multi-line comments. Single-line comments start with ‘#’ or ‘//’ and continue to the end of the line:
# This is a comment // This too is a comment
Multi-line or C-style comments start with the two characters ‘/*’ (slash, star) and continue until the first occurrence of ‘*/’ (star, slash).
Multi-line comments cannot be nested. However, single-line comments may well appear within multi-line ones.
A simple statement consists of a keyword and value separated by any amount of whitespace. Simple statement is terminated with a semicolon (‘;’).
The following is a simple statement:
standalone yes; pidfile /var/run/pop3d.pid;
A keyword begins with a letter and may contain letters, decimal digits, underscores (‘_’) and dashes (‘-’). Examples of keywords are: ‘expression’, ‘output-file’.
A value can be one of the following:
A number is a sequence of decimal digits.
A boolean value is one of the following: ‘yes’, ‘true’, ‘t’ or ‘1’, meaning true, and ‘no’, ‘false’, ‘nil’, ‘0’ meaning false.
An unquoted string may contain letters, digits, and any of the following characters: ‘_’, ‘-’, ‘.’, ‘/’, ‘@’, ‘*’, ‘:’.
A quoted string is any sequence of characters enclosed in double-quotes (‘"’). A backslash appearing within a quoted string introduces an escape sequence, which is replaced with a single character according to the following rules:
Sequence | Replaced with |
\a | Audible bell character (ASCII 7) |
\b | Backspace character (ASCII 8) |
\f | Form-feed character (ASCII 12) |
\n | Newline character (ASCII 10) |
\r | Carriage return character (ASCII 13) |
\t | Horizontal tabulation character (ASCII 9) |
\v | Vertical tabulation character (ASCII 11) |
\\ | A single backslash (‘\’) |
\" | A double-quote. |
Table 3.1: Backslash escapes
In addition, the sequence ‘\newline’ is removed from the string. This allows to split long strings over several physical lines, e.g.:
"a long string may be\ split over several lines"
If the character following a backslash is not one of those specified above, the backslash is ignored and a warning is issued.
Two or more adjacent quoted strings are concatenated, which gives another way to split long strings over several lines to improve readability. The following fragment produces the same result as the example above:
"a long string may be" " split over several lines"
A here-document is a special construct that allows to introduce strings of text containing embedded newlines.
The <<word
construct instructs the parser to read all
the following lines up to the line containing only word, with
possible trailing blanks. Any lines thus read are concatenated
together into a single string. For example:
<<EOT A multiline string EOT
The body of a here-document is interpreted the same way as a double-quoted string, unless word is preceded by a backslash (e.g. ‘<<\EOT’) or enclosed in double-quotes, in which case the text is read as is, without interpretation of escape sequences.
If word is prefixed with -
(a dash), then all leading
tab characters are stripped from input lines and the line containing
word. Furthermore, if -
is followed by a single space,
all leading whitespace is stripped from them. This allows to indent
here-documents in a natural fashion. For example:
<<- TEXT The leading whitespace will be ignored when reading these lines. TEXT
It is important that the terminating delimiter be the only token on its line. The only exception to this rule is allowed if a here-document appears as the last element of a statement. In this case a semicolon can be placed on the same line with its terminating delimiter, as in:
help-text <<-EOT A sample help text. EOT;
A list is a comma-separated list of values. Lists are enclosed in parentheses. The following example shows a statement whose value is a list of strings:
alias (test,null);
In any case where a list is appropriate, a single value is allowed without being a member of a list: it is equivalent to a list with a single member. This means that, e.g.
alias test;
is equivalent to
alias (test);
A block statement introduces a logical group of statements. It consists of a keyword, followed by an optional value, and a sequence of statements enclosed in curly braces, as shown in the example below:
server srv1 { host; community "foo"; }
The closing curly brace may be followed by a semicolon, although this is not required.
configuration files have a distinct hierarchical
structure. Each statement in such files can therefore be identified
by its name and the names of block statements containing it. Such
names form the pathname, similar to that used by UNIX file system.
For example, consider the following file:
foo { bar { baz 45; # A. } baz 98; # B. }
The full pathname of the statement marked with ‘A’ can be written as:
Similarly, the statement marked with ‘B’ has the following pathname:
The default path component separator is dot. A pathname beginning with a component separator is called absolute pathname. Absolute pathnames uniquely identify corresponding statements. If the leading dot is omitted, the resulting pathname is called relative. Relative pathnames identify statements in relation to the current point of reference in the configuration file.
Any other punctuation character can be used as a component separator, provided that it appears at the beginning of the pathname. In other words, only absolute pathnames allow for a change in component separators.
A block statement that has a tag is referred to by the statement’s name, followed by an equals sign, followed by the tag value. For example, the statement ‘A’ in the file below:
program x {
bar {
baz 45; # A.
is identified by the following pathname:
The tag can optionally be enclosed in a pair of double quotes. Such a quoting becomes mandatory for tags that contain white space or path component separator, e.g.:
The --set command line option allows you to set configuration variables from the command line. Its argument consists of the statement path and value, separated by a single equals sign (no whitespace is permitted at either side of it). For example, the following option:
--set .logging.facility=mail
has the same effect as the following statement in the configuration file:
logging { facility mail; }
Values set using this option override those set in the configuration files. This provides a convenient way for temporarily changing configuration without altering configuration files.
Notice, that when using --set, the ‘=’ sign has two purposes: first it separates statement path from the value, thus forming an assignment, and secondly it can be used within the path itself to introduce a tag. To illustrate this, let’s assume you have the following statement in your configuration file:
program pop3d { logging { facility mail; } server { transcript no; } }
Now assume you wish to temporarily change logging facility to ‘local1’. The following option will do this:
--set .program=pop3d.logging.facility=local1
When splitting the argument to --set, the option parser always looks for the rightmost equals sign. Everything to the right of it is the value, and everything to the left of it - the path.
If the tag contains dots (as the server
statement in the
example above), you should either escape them with slashes or change
the pathname separator to some other character, e.g.:
--set .program=pop3d.server='0\.0\.0\.0'.transcript=yes
--set /program=pop3d/server=""/transcript=yes
Certain configuration statements allow for the use of variable references in their values. A variable reference has the form ‘$variable’ or ‘${variable}’, where variable is the variable name. It is expanded to the actual value of variable when Mailutils consults the configuration statement in question.
The two forms are entirely equivalent. The form with curly braces is normally used if the variable name is immediately followed by an alphanumeric symbol, which will otherwise be considered part of it. This form also allows for specifying the action to take if the variable is undefined or expands to an empty value.
During variable expansion, the forms below cause Mailutils to test for a variable that is unset or null. Omitting the colon results in a test only for a variable that is unset.
Use Default Values. If variable is unset or null, the expansion of word is substituted. Otherwise, the value of variable is substituted.
Assign Default Values. If variable is unset or null, the expansion of word is assigned to variable. The value of variable is then substituted.
Display Error if Null or Unset. If variable is null or unset, the expansion of word (or a message to that effect if word is not present) is output to the current logging channel. Otherwise, the value of variable is substituted.
Use Alternate Value. If variable is null or unset, nothing is substituted, otherwise the expansion of word is substituted.
When a value is subject to variable expansion, it is also subject to command expansion. Commands are invoked in string values using the following format:
$(cmd arg)
where cmd is the command name, and args is a list of arguments separated by whitespace. Arguments can in turn contain variable and command references.
The following commands are defined:
Treats string as an email address and returns the part preceding the ‘@’ sign. If there is no ‘@’ sign, returns string.
Treats string as an email address and returns the part following the ‘@’ sign. If there is no ‘@’ sign, returns empty string.
Runs the shell command cmd with the given arguments. Returns
the standard output from the command. The command is invoked
using /bin/sh -c
and can contain any valid shell constructs.
The subsections below define variable names that are valid for use in each configuration statement.
StatementA special statement is provided that causes inclusion of the named file. It has the following syntax:
include file;
When reading the configuration file, this statement is effectively replaced with the content of file. It is an error if file does not exist.
In site-wide configuration file, file can be a directory name. In this case, Mailutils will search this directory for a file with the same name as the utility being executed. If found, this file will be loaded.
It is a common to end the site-wide configuration file with an include statement, e.g.:
include /etc/mailutils.d;
This allows each particular utility to have its own configuration
file. Thus, imap4d
will read
/etc/mailutils.d/imap4d, etc.
statementAnother way to configure program-specific settings is by using the
statement. The syntax is as follows:
program progname { ... }
The program
statement is allowed only in the site-wide
configuration file. When encountered, its tag (progname) is
compared with the name of the program being run. If two strings are
the same, the statements between curly braces are stored in a
temporary memory, otherwise the statement is ignored. When entire
configuration file is loaded, the statements accumulated in the
temporary storage are processed.
Notice the difference between this statement and a per-program
configuration file loaded via an include
statement. No matter
where in the file the program
statement is, its content will
be processed after the content of the enclosing file. In the
contrast, the per-program configuration file loaded via include
is processed right where it is encountered.
Statementlogging { # Send diagnostics to syslog. syslog boolean; # Print message severity levels. print-severity boolean; # Output only messages with a severity equal to or # greater than this one. severity string; # Set syslog facility. facility name; # Log session ID session-id boolean; # Tag syslog messages with this string. tag text; }
The logging
block statement configures where the diagnostic
output goes and how verbose it is.
If ‘syslog’ is set to ‘yes’, the diagnostics will go to syslog. Otherwise, it goes to the standard error.
The default syslog facility is determined at compile time, it can be inspected using the following command (see mailutils info):
$ mailutils info log_facility
Use syslog facility name. Valid argument values are: ‘user’, ‘daemon’, ‘auth’, ‘authpriv’, ‘mail’, ‘cron’, ‘local0’ through ‘local7’ (all names case-insensitive), or a facility number.
Tag syslog messages with text. By default, program name is used as syslog tag.
Print Mailutils severity name before each message.
Output only messages with a severity equal to or greater than this one. Valid arguments are: ‘debug’, ‘info’, ‘notice’, ‘warning’, ‘error’, ‘crit’, ‘alert’, ‘emerg’,
Print session ID with each diagnostic message. This is useful for
programs that handle multiple user sessions simultaneously, such as
and imap4d
The following two statements configure the email that
libraries use as sender address:
Sets the current user email address.
Configures the domain name that will be appended to unqualified email addresses.
In the absense of both these statements, the sender email address is
constructed by concatenating the username, ‘@’ sign, and the
host name of the machine. If email-domain
is present, the
domain it defines is used instead of the hostname. Finally, if
is present, its value is used as sender email.
Statementdebug { # Set Mailutils debugging level. level spec; # Prefix debug messages with Mailutils source locations. line-info bool; }
The ‘debug’ statement controls the amount of additional debugging information output by Mailutils programs. The ‘level’ statement enables additional debugging information. Its argument (spec) is a Mailutils debugging specification as described in Debugging.
The ‘line-info’ statement, when set to ‘true’ causes debugging messages to be prefixed with locations in Mailutils source files where they appear. Normally, only Mailutils developers need this option.
Statementmailbox { # Use specified url as a mailspool. mail-spool url; # Create mailbox url using pattern. mailbox-pattern pattern; # Default mailbox type. mailbox-type type; # Default user mail folder. folder dir; }
The mailbox
statement configures the location, name and type of
user mailboxes.
The mailbox location can be specified using mail-spool
The mail-spool
statement specifies directory that holds user
mailboxes. Once this statement is given, the libmailutils
library will assume that the mailbox of user login is kept in
file path/login.
Historically, path can contain mailbox type prefix, e.g.:
‘maildir:///var/spool/mail’, but such usage is discouraged in
favor of mailbox-pattern
The mailbox-pattern
statement is a preferred way of configuring
mailbox locations. It supersedes mail-spool
The url must be a valid mailbox URL (see Mailbox), which may contain references to the ‘user’ variable (see Configuration Variables). This variable will be expanded to the actual user name.
Optional URL parameters can be used to configure indexed directory structure. Such structure is a special way of storing mailboxes, which allows for faster access in case of very large number of users.
By default, all user mailboxes are stored in a single directory and are named after user login names. To find the mailbox for a given user, the system scans the directory for the corresponding file. This usually implies linear search, so the time needed to locate a mailbox is directly proportional to the ordinal number of the mailbox in the directory.
GNU Mailutils supports three types of indexed directories: ‘direct’, ‘reverse’, and ‘hashed’.
In direct indexed directory structure, path contains 26 subdirectories named with lower-case letters of Latin alphabet. The location of the user mailbox is determined using the following algorithm:
For example, using this algorithm, the mailbox of the user ‘smith’ is stored in file path/s/smith.
If each of single-letter subdirectories contains the indexed directory structure, we have second level of indexing. In this case the file name of ‘smith’’s mailbox is path/s/m/smith.
The reverse indexed structure uses the same principles, but the indexing letters are taken from the end of the user name, instead of from the beginning. For example, in the 2nd level reverse indexed structure, the ‘smith’’s mailbox is located in path/h/t/smith.
Finally, the hashed structure consists of 256 subdirectories under path, named by 2-letter hex codes from ‘00’ to ‘FF’. Mailboxes are stored in these subdirectories. The name of the subdirectory is computed by hashing first level letters of the user name. The hashing algorithm is:
Indexed directory structures are configured using the following arguments:
Specifies the type of indexing. Valid values are ‘index’, for direct indexed structure, ‘rev-index’ for reverse indexing, and ‘hash’ for hashed structure.
Specifies indexing level.
Specifies indexing key. The only meaningful value, as of Mailutils version 3.18 is ‘user=${user}’.
Let’s assume the traditional mail layout, in which incoming
mails are stored in a UNIX mailbox named after the recipient user name
and located in /var/mail directory.
The mailbox-pattern
for this case is:
mailbox-pattern "/var/mail/${user}";
It is entirely equivalent to specifying ‘mail-spool "/var/mail"’.
Now, if the layout is the same, but mailboxes are kept in ‘maildir’ format, then the corresponding statement is:
mailbox-pattern "maildir:///var/mail/${user}";
Finally, if the mailboxes are stored in a directly-indexed directory with two levels of indexing, the URL is:
mailbox-pattern "maildir:///var/mail;type=index;param=2;user=${user}";
If neither mailbox-pattern
nor mail-spool
are given, the
mailbox names are determined using the following algorithm:
is set, use its value.
is set, use its
The built-in mail spool directory name is determined at compile time, using the ‘_PATH_MAILDIR’ define from the include file paths.h. If this value is not defined, /var/mail or /usr/spool/mail is used.
Specifies the type of mailboxes. By default, ‘mbox’ (UNIX mailbox)
is assumed. This can be changed while configuring the package by
configuration variable. The default
value can be verified by running mailutils info scheme
Sets user mail folder directory. Its value is used when expanding ‘plus-notation’, i.e. such mailbox names as +inbox. The ‘+’ sign is replaced by dir, followed by a directory separator (‘/’).
The dir argument can contain mailbox type prefix, e.g ‘mh://Mail’.
The default folder name is ‘Mail/’.
Statementmime { # Define additional textual mime types. text-type PATTERN; # or text-type ( PATTERN-LIST ); }
The mime
compound statement is used by utilities that process
MIME messages, in particular mail
, readmsg
, and
. As of mailutils version 3.18 it
contains only one statement:
Defines additional patterns for recognition of textual message parts. The pattern is a shell globbing pattern that will be compared against the ‘Content-Type’ header of a MIME message part in order to determine whether it can be treated as a text part. In second form, pattern-list is a comma-separated list of such patterns.
In both forms, the new patterns are appended to the built-in textual pattern list, which contains:
Statementlocking { # Default locker flags. typedefault
; # Set the maximum number of times to retry acquiring the lock. retry-count number; # Set the delay between two successive locking attempts. retry-sleep arg; # Expire locks older than this amount of time. expire-timeout number; # Check if PID of the lock owner is active, steal the lock if it not. pid-check bool; # Use prog as external locker program. external-locker prog; }
This compound statement configures various parameters used when locking UNIX mailboxes in order to prevent simultaneous writes.
It is important to note, that locking applies only to monolithic mailboxes, i.e. mailboxes of ‘mbox’ and ‘dotmail’ types (see mbox). Other mailbox types don’t require locking.
Set locking type. Allowed arguments are:
Default locking type. As of mailutils
3.18, this is equivalent to dotlock
A ‘dotlock’-style locking. To lock a mailbox named X
a lock file named X.lock is created. If
pid-check yes
is set, this file will contain the PID of the
locking process, so that another process wishing to acquire the lock
could verify if the lock is still in use.
Run external program to perform locking/unlocking operations. The
name of the program is given by the external-locker
(see below). If it is not given, the built-in default ‘dotlock’
is used.
The locker program is invoked as follows:
# To lock mbox: locker -fexpire_timeout -rretry_count mbox # To unlock it: locker -u -fexpire_timeout -rretry_count mbox
Here, expire_timeout is the value supplied with the
configuration statement, and retry_count
is the value supplied with the retry-count
statement (see below).
To properly interact with mailutils
, the external locker
program must use the following exit codes:
Exit code | Meaning |
0 | Success. |
1 | Failed due to an error. |
2 | Unlock requested (-u), but file is not locked. |
3 | Lock requested, but file is already locked. |
4 | Insufficient permissions. |
See dotlock, for the description of the default external locker, shipped with mailutils.
Use kernel locking mechanism (fcntl
No locking at all. The statements below are silently ignored.
Number of locking attempts. The default is 10.
Time interval, in seconds, between two successive locking
attempts. The default is 1 second. The retry-timeout
statement is deprecated because of its misleading name.
Sets the expiration timeout. The existing lock file will be removed, if it was created more than this number of seconds ago. The default is 600.
This statement can be used if locking type is set to dotlock
If set to true
, it instructs the locking algorithm to check
if the PID of the lock owner is still running by the time when it
tries to acquire the lock. This works as follows. When the lock file
is created, the PID of the creating process is written to it. If
another process tries to acquire the lock and sees that the lock file
already exists, it reads the PID from the file and checks if a process
with that PID still exists in the process table. If it does not, the
process considers the lock file to be stale, removes it and locks the
Sets the name of the external locker program to use, instead of the default ‘dotlock’.
This statement is in effect only when used together with type external
Statementmailer { url url; }
A mailer is a special logical entity GNU Mailutils uses for
sending messages. Its internal representation is discussed in
Mailer. The mailer
statement configures it.
The mailer statement contains a single sub-statement:
Set the mailer URL.
GNU Mailutils supports three types of mailer URLs, described in the table below:
Send messages using SMTP protocol. See SMTP Mailboxes, for a detailed description of the URL and its parts.
Use sendmail-compatible program progname. Sendmail-compatible means that the program must support following command line options:
Do not treat ‘.’ as message terminator.
Use addr as the sender address.
Get recipient addresses from the message.
See sendmail, for details.
A prog mailer. This is a generalization of ‘sendmail’ mailer that allows to use arbitrary external programs as mailers.
It is described in detain in prog.
Statementacl { # Allow connections from this IP address. allow [from] ip; # Deny connections from this IP address. deny [from] ip; # Log connections from this IP address. log [from] ip [string]; /* Execute supplied program if a connection from this IP address is requested. */ exec [from] ip program; /* Use program to decide whether to allow connection from ip. */ ifexec [from] ip program; }
The ACL statement defines an Access Control List, a special structure that controls who can access the given Mailutils resource.
The acl
block contains a list of access controls. Each control
can be regarded as a function that returns a tree-state value:
‘True’, ‘False’ and ‘Don't know’. When a
remote party connects to the server, each of controls is tried in
turn. If a control returns ‘False’, access is denied. If it
returns ‘True’, access is allowed. If it returns ‘Don't
know’, then the next control is tried. It is unclear whether to allow
access if the last control in list returned ‘Don't know’. GNU
Mailutils 3.18 issues a warning message and allows access.
This default may change in future versions. Users are advised to
write their ACLs so that the last control returns a definite answer
(either True
or False
In the discussion below, wherever cidr appears as an argument, it can be replaced by any of:
The following controls are understood:
Allow connections from IP addresses matching this cidr block.
Deny connections from IP addresses matching this cidr block.
When a connection from the cidr block is requested, execute the program program. If its exit code is ‘0’, then allow connection. Otherwise, deny it.
The program argument undergoes variable expansion and word splitting. The following variables are defined:
Ordinal number of the control in the ACL. Numbers begin from ‘1’.
Connection family. Mailutils version 3.18 supports the following families: ‘AF_INET’, ‘AF_INET6’ and ‘AF_UNIX’.
Remote IP address (for ‘AF_INET’ and ‘AF_INET6’) or socket name (for ‘AF_UNIX’). Notice that most Unixes return empty string instead of the ‘AF_UNIX’ socket name, so do not rely on it.
Remote port number (for ‘AF_INET’ and ‘AF_INET6’).
If a connection from the cidr block is requested, execute the given program. Do not wait for it to terminate, and ignore its exit code. The program is subject for variable expansion as in ‘ifexec’.
The following two controls are provided for logging purposes and as a means of extensions. They always return a ‘Don't know’ answer, and therefore should not be used at the end of an ACL:
Log connections from addresses in this cidr. The
channel is used. If the logging goes to syslog,
it is translated to the LOG_INFO
If string is not given, the format of the log entry depends on the connection family, as described in the table below:
For inet IPv4 connections. The variables ip and port are replaced by the remote IP address and port number, correspondingly.
For connections over UNIX sockets. The socket name, if available, may be printed before the closing curly brace.
If string is supplied, it undergoes variable expansions as described for the ‘ifexec’.
For example, the following ACL makes a Mailutils server log every incoming connection:
acl { log from any "Connect from ${address}"; ... }
This was the default behavior for the versions of Mailutils up to ‘1.2’, so if you got used to its logs you might wish to add the above in your configuration files.
If a connection from the cidr block is requested, execute the given program. Do not wait for it to terminate, and ignore its exit code.
Statementtcp-wrappers { # Enable TCP wrapper access control. enable bool; # Set daemon name for TCP wrapper lookups. daemon name; # Use file for positive client address access control. allow-table file; # Use file for negative client address access control. deny-table file; }
The tcp-wrappers
statements provides an alternative way to
control accesses to the resources served by GNU Mailutils. This
statement is enabled if Mailutils is compiled with TCP wrappers
library libwrap
Access control using TCP wrappers is based on two files, called tables, containing access rules. There are two tables: the allow table, usually stored in file /etc/hosts.allow, and the deny table, kept in file /etc/hosts.deny. The rules in each table begin with an identifier called daemon name. A utility that wishes to verify a connection, selects the entries having its daemon name from the allow table. A connection is allowed if it matches any of these entries. Otherwise, the utility retrieves all entries with its daemon name from the deny table. If any of these matches the connection, then it is refused. Otherwise, if neither table contains matching entries, the connection is allowed.
The description of a TCP wrapper table format lies outside the scope of this document. Please, see ACCESS CONTROL FILES in hosts_access(5) man page, for details.
Enable access control using TCP wrappers. It is on by default.
Set daemon name for TCP wrapper lookups. By default, the name of the
utility is used. E.g. imap4d
uses ‘imap4d’ as the
daemon name.
Use file as allow table. By default, /etc/hosts.allow is used.
Use file as negative table. By default, /etc/hosts.deny is used.
GNU Mailutils offers several server applications: pop3d
, comsatd
, to name a few. Being quite
different in their purpose, they are very similar in some aspects of
their architecture. First of all, they all support two operating
modes: daemon, where a program disconnects from the controlling
terminal and works in background, and inetd, where it
remains in foreground and communicates with the remote party via
standard input and output streams. Secondly, when operating as
daemons, they listen to a preconfigured set of IP addresses and
ports, reacting to requests that arrive.
To configure these aspects of functionality, GNU Mailutils provides Server Configuration Settings, which is describes in this subsection.
# Set daemon mode. mode ‘inetd|daemon’; # Run in foreground. foreground bool; # Maximum number of children processes to run simultaneously. max-children number; # Store PID of the master process in file. pidfile file; # Default port number. port portspec; # Set idle timeout. timeout time;
Description: These statements configure general server-related issues.
Set operation mode of the server. Two operation modes are supported:
Run as a standalone daemon, disconnecting from the controlling terminal and continuing to run in the background. In this case, it is the server that controls what IP addresses and ports to listen on, who is allowed to connect and from where, how many clients are allowed to connect simultaneously, etc. Most remaining configuration statements are valid only in the daemon mode.
This is the preferred mode of operation for GNU Mailutils servers.
Operate as a subprocess of UNIX internet super-server program,
. See Internet super-server in inetd(8) man
page, for a detailed description of the operation of inetd
and its configuration. In this case it is inetd
controls all major connectivity aspects. The Mailutils server program
communicates with it via standard input and output streams.
For historical reasons, this mode is the default, if no mode
statement is specified. This will change in the future.
[daemon mode only]
Do not disconnect from the controlling terminal and remain in the
[daemon mode only]
Set maximum number of child processes allowed to run simultaneously.
This equals the number of clients that can use the server
The default is 20 clients.
After startup, store the PID of the main server process in file. When the process terminates, the file is removed. As of version 3.18, GNU Mailutils servers make no further use of this file. It is intended for use by automated startup scripts and controlling programs (e.g. see GNU pies in GNU Pies Manual).
[daemon mode only]
Set default port to listen to. The portspec argument is either
a port number in decimal, or a symbolic service name, as listed in
/etc/services (see Internet network services list in services(5) man page).
Sets maximum idle time out in seconds. If a client does not send any requests during time seconds, the child process terminates.
server ipaddr[:port] { # Run this server as a single process. single-process bool; # Log the session transcript. transcript bool; # Set idle timeout. timeout time; # Size of the queue of pending connections backlog <number: callback>; # Kind of TLS encryption to use for this server. tls-mode ‘no’|‘ondemand’|‘required’|‘connection’; tls { # Specify SSL certificate file. ssl-certificate-file string; # Specify SSL certificate key file. ssl-key-file file; # Specify trusted CAs file. ssl-ca-file file; # Set the priorities to use on the ciphers, methods, etc. ssl-priorities string; # Set timeout for I/O operations during TLS handshake (seconds). handshake-timeout n; } # Set server specific ACLs. acl { /* See ACL Statement. */ }; }
The server
block statement configures a single TCP or UDP
server. It takes effect only in daemon mode (see server mode).
The argument to this statement specifies the IP address, and,
optionally, the port, to listen on for requests. The ipaddr
part is either an IPv4 address in dotted-quad form, or a IPv6 address
enclosed in square brackets, or a symbolic host name which can be
resolved to such an address. Specifying ‘’ as the
ipaddr means listen on all available network interfaces. The
port argument is either a port number in decimal, or a symbolic
service name, as listed in /etc/services (see Internet
network services list in services(5) man page). If
port is omitted, Mailutils uses the port set by port
statement (see port), or, in its
absence, the default port number, which depends on a server being used
(e.g. 110, for pop3d
, 143, for imap4d
, etc.).
Any number of server
statements may be specified in a single
configuration file, allowing to set up the same service on several IP
addresses and/or port numbers, and with different configurations.
Statements within the server
block statement configure this
particular server.
If set to true, this server will operate in single-process mode. This mode is intended for debugging only, do not use it on production servers.
Enable transcript of the client-server interaction. This may generate excessive amounts of logging, which in turn may slow down the operation considerably.
Session transcripts are useful in fine-tuning your configurations and in debugging. They should be turned off on most production servers.
Set idle timeout for this server. This overrides the global timeout settings (see timeout).
Configures the size of the queue of pending connections
Configure the use of TLS encryption. The mode argument is one of the following:
TLS is not used. The corresponding command (STLS
, for POP3,
, for IMAP4
) won’t be available even if
the TLS configuration is otherwise complete.
TLS is initiated when the user issues the appropriate command. This is the default when TLS is configured.
Same as above, but the use of TLS is mandatory. The authentication state is entered only after TLS negotiation has succeeded.
TLS is always forced when the connection is established. For
this means using POP3S protocol (or IMAP4S, for
The tls
statement configures SSL certificate and key files, as
well as other SSL settings for use in this server. It is used when
is set to any of the following values:
, required
, connection
If tls-mode
is set to any of the values above and tls
section is absent, settings from the global tls
section will
be used. In this case, it is an error if the global tls
section is not defined.
See The tls
Statement, for a discussion of its syntax.
This statement defines a per-server Access Control List. Its syntax is as described in ACL Statement. Per-server ACLs complement, but not override, global ACLs, i.e. if both global ACL and per-server ACL are used, the connection is allowed only if both of them allow it, and is denied if any one of them denies it.
Statementauth { # Set a list of modules for authentication. authentication module-list; # Set a list of modules for authorization. authorization module-list; }
Some mail utilities provide access to their services only after
verifying that the user is actually the person he is claiming
to be. Such programs are, for example, pop3d
. The process of the verification is broken
down into two stages: authorization and authentication.
In authorization stage the program retrieves the information
about a particular user. In authentication stage, this
information is compared against the user-supplied credentials. Only if
both stages succeed is the user allowed to use the service.
A set of modules is involved in performing each stage. For example, the authorization stage can retrieve the user description from various sources: system database, SQL database, virtual domain table, etc. Each module is responsible for retrieving the description from a particular source of information. The modules are arranged in a module list. The modules from the list are invoked in turn, until one of them succeeds or the list is exhausted. In the latter case the authorization fails. Otherwise, the data returned by the succeeded module are used in authentication.
Similarly, authentication may be performed in several ways. The authentication modules are also grouped in a list. Each module is tried in turn until either a module succeeds, in which case the authentication succeeds, or the end of the list is reached.
For example, the authorization list
(system, sql, virtdomains)
means that first the system user database (/etc/password) is searched for a description of a user in question. If the search fails, the SQL database is searched. Finally, if it also fails, the search is performed in the virtual domain database.
Note, that some authentication and/or authorization modules may be disabled when configuring the package before compilation. The names of the disabled modules are nevertheless available for use in runtime configuration options, but they represent a “fail-only” functionality, e.g. if the package was compiled without SQL support then the module ‘sql’ in the above example will always fail, thus passing the execution on to the next module.
The auth
statement configures authentication and authorization.
Define a sequence of modules to use for authorization. Modules will be tried in the same order as listed in module-list.
The modules available for use in authorization list are:
User credentials are retrieved from the system user database (/etc/password).
User credentials are retrieved from a SQL database.
A separate configuration statement, sql
, is used to configure
it (see The sql
User credentials are retrieved from a “virtual domain” user
database. Virtual domains are configured using virtdomain
statement (see The virtdomain
User credentials are retrieved using RADIUS. See The radius
Statement, for a detailed description on how to configure it.
User credentials are retrieved from an LDAP
database. See The ldap
Statement, for an information on how to
configure it.
Unless overridden by authorization
the default list of authorization modules is:
Define a sequence of modules to use for authentication. Modules will be tried in the same order as listed in module-list.
The following table lists modules available for use in module-list:
The generic authentication type. User password is hashed and compared against the hash value returned in authorization stage.
The hashed value of the user password is retrieved from /etc/shadow file on systems that support it.
The hashed value of the user password is retrieved from a
SQL database using query supplied by getpass
statement (see getpass).
The user is authenticated via pluggable authentication module
(PAM). The PAM service name to be used is
configured in pam
statement (see PAM Statement).
The user is authenticated on a remote RADIUS
server. See The radius
The user is authenticated using LDAP. See The ldap
Unless overridden by authentication
the list of authentication modules is the same as for
, i.e.:
pam {
# Set PAM service name.
service text;
The pam
statement configures PAM authentication. It
contains a single sub-statement:
Define service name to look for in PAM configuration. By default, the base name of the Mailutils binary is used.
This statement takes effect only if ‘pam’ is listed in
statement (see The auth
Statementvirtdomain {
# Name of the virtdomain password directory.
passwd-dir dir;
Virtual mail domains make it possible to handle several mail domains each having a separate set of users, on a single server. The domains are completely independent of each other, i.e. the same user name can be present in several domains and represent different users.
When authenticating to a server with virtual domain support enabled,
users must supply their user names with domain parts. The server strips
off the domain part and uses it as a name of UNIX-format password
database file, located in the domain password directory. The
latter is set using passwd-dir
Set virtual domain password directory.
For example, when authenticating user ‘smith@example.com’, the server will use password file named dir/example.com. This file must be in UNIX passwd format (see password file in passwd(5) man page), with encrypted passwords stored in it (as of GNU Mailutils version 3.18, there is no support for shadow files in virtual password directories, although this is planned for future versions). Here is an example record from this file:
smith:Wbld/G2Q2Le2w:1000:1000:Email Account:/var/mail/domain/smith:/dev/null
Notice, that it must contain user names without domain parts.
The pw_dir
field (the 6th field) is used to determine the
location of the maildrop for this user. It is defined as
pw_dir/INBOX. In our example, the maildrop for user
‘smith’ will be located in file /var/mail/domain/smith.
If user did not supply his domain name, or if no matching record was found in the password file, or if the file matching the domain name does not exist, then GNU Mailutils falls back to alternative method. First, it tries to determine the IP address of the remote party. Then the domain name corresponding to that address is looked up in the DNS system. Finally, this domain name is used as a name of the password file.
Statementradius { # Set radius configuration directory. directory dir; # Radius request for authorization. auth request; # Radius request for getpwnam. getpwnam request; # Radius request for getpwuid. getpwuid request; }
The radius
block statement configures RADIUS
authentication and authorization.
Mailutils uses GNU Radius library, which is configured via
raddb/client.conf file (see Client Configuration in GNU Radius Reference Manual). Its exact
location depends on configuration settings that were used while
compiling GNU Radius. Usually it is /usr/local/etc, or
/etc. This default can also be changed at run time using
Set full path name to the GNU Radius configuration directory.
It authorization is used, the Radius dictionary file must declare the the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
GNU-MU-User-Name | string | User login name |
GNU-MU-UID | integer | UID |
GNU-MU-GID | integer | GID |
GNU-MU-GECOS | string | GECOS |
GNU-MU-Dir | string | Home directory |
GNU-MU-Shell | string | User shell |
GNU-MU-Mailbox | string | User mailbox |
GNU-MU-Quota | integer | Mail quota (in bytes) |
A dictionary file with appropriate definitions is included in the Mailutils distribution: examples/config/mailutils.dict. This file is not installed by default, you will have to manually copy it to the GNU Radius raddb/dict directory and include it in the main dictionary file raddb/dictionary by adding the following statement:
$INCLUDE dict/mailutils.dict
Requests to use for authentication and authorization are
configured using three statements: auth
, getpwnam
. Each statement takes a single argument: a string,
containing a comma-separated list of assignments. An assignment
specifies a particular attribute-value pair (see RADIUS Attributes in GNU Radius Reference Manual) to send to
the server. The left-hand side of the assignment is a symbolic attribute
name, as defined in one of Radius dictionaries (see Dictionary of Attributes in GNU Radius Reference
Manual). The value is specified by the right-hand side of
assignment. For example:
"Service-Type = Authenticate-Only, NAS-Identifier = \"mail\""
The assignment may contain references to the following variables (see Configuration Variables):
The actual user name (for auth
and getpwnam
), or user ID
(for getpwuid
). For example:
User-Name = ${user}
User password. For examples:
User-Password = ${passwd}
Specifies the request to be sent to authenticate the user. For example:
auth "User-Name = ${user}, User-Password = ${passwd}";
The user is authenticated only if this request returns
(see Access-Accept in GNU Radius Reference Manual). Any returned attribute-value
pairs are ignored.
Specifies the request that returns user information for the given user name. For example:
getpwnam "User-Name = ${user}, State = getpwnam, " "Service-Type = Authenticate-Only";
If the requested user account exists, the Radius server must return
packet with the following attributes:
, GNU-MU-Dir
, GNU-MU-Shell
The attributes GNU-MU-Mailbox
and GNU-MU-Quota
If GNU-MU-Mailbox
is present, it must contain a
valid mailbox URL (see URL). If
is not present, Mailutils constructs the
mailbox name using the settings from the mailbox
statement (see Mailbox Statement), or built-in defaults, if it is
not present.
If GNU-MU-Quota
is present, it specifies the maximum mailbox
size for this user, in bytes. In the absence of this attribute,
mailbox size is unlimited.
Specifies the request that returns user information for the given user ID. In pairlist, the ‘user’ macro-variable is expanded to the numeric value of ID. For example:
getpwuid "User-Name = ${user}, State = getpwuid, " "Service-Type = Authenticate-Only";
The reply to getpwuid
request is the same as to getpwnam
request (see above).
Statementsql { # Set SQL interface to use. interface ‘mysql|odbc|postgres’; # SQL server host name. host arg; # SQL user name. user arg; # Password for the SQL user. passwd arg; # SQL server port. port arg; # Database name. db arg; # Type of password returned by getpass query. password-type ‘plain | hash | scrambled’; # Set a field-map for parsing SQL replies. field-map list; # SQL query returning the user’s password. getpass query; # SQL query to use for getpwnam requests. getpwnam query; # SQL query to use for getpwuid requests. getpwuid query; }
The sql
statement configures access credentials to
SQL database and the queries for authentication and
GNU Mailutils supports three types of SQL interfaces: MySQL, PostgreSQL and ODBC. The latter is a standard API for using database management systems, which can be used to communicate with a wide variety of DBMS.
Configures type of DBMS interface. Allowed values for type are:
Interface with a MySQL server (http://www.mysql.org).
Use ODBC interface. See http://www.unixodbc.org, for a detailed description of ODBC configuration.
Interface with a PostgreSQL server (http://www.postgres.org).
The database and database access credentials are configured using the following statements:
The host running the SQL server. The value can be either a host name or an IP address in dotted-quad notation, in which case an INET connection is used, or a full pathname to a file, in which case a connection to UNIX socket is used.
TCP port the server is listening on (for INET connections). This parameter is optional. Its default value depends on the type of database being used.
Name of the database.
SQL user name.
Password to access the database.
Defines type of encryption used by the password returned by
query (see below). Possible arguments are:
Password is in plain text.
Password is encrypted by system crypt
(see crypt in crypt(3) man page).
Password is encrypted by MySQL password
Defines SQL query that returns information about the given user. The query is subject to variable expansion (see Configuration Variables). The only variable defined is ‘$user’, which expands to the user name.
The query should return a single row with the following columns:
User name.
User password.
UID of the user.
GID of the primary group.
Textual description of the user.
User’s home directory
User’s shell program.
The following columns are optional:
Full pathname of the user’s mailbox. If not returned or NULL, the mailbox is determined using the default algorithm (see Mailbox).
Upper limit on the size of the mailbox. The value is either an integer number optionally followed by one of the usual size suffixes: ‘K’, ‘M’, ‘G’, or ‘T’ (case-insensitive).
Defines SQL query that returns information about the given UID. The query is subject to variable expansion (see Configuration Variables). The only variable defined is ‘$user’, which expands to the UID.
The query should return a single row, as described for getpwnam
Defines SQL query that returns the password of the given user. The query is subject to variable expansion (see Configuration Variables). The only variable defined is ‘$user’, which expands to the user name.
The query should return a row with a single column, which gives the
password. The password can be encrypted as specified by the
Defines a translation map for column names. The list is a
list of mappings. Each mapping is a string
‘name=column’, where name is one of the names
described in getpw column names, and column is the name of
the column in the returned row that should be used instead. The effect of
this statement is similar to that of SQL AS
keyword. E.g. the
field-map (uid=user_id);
has the same effect as using ‘SELECT user_id AS uid’ in the SQL statement.
Statementldap { # Enable LDAP lookups. enable bool; # Set URL of the LDAP server. url url; # Base DN for LDAP lookups. base string; # DN for accessing LDAP database. binddn string; # Password for use with binddn. passwd string; # Use TLS encryption. tls bool; # Set LDAP debugging level. debug number; # Set a field-map for parsing LDAP replies. field-map list; # LDAP filter to use for getpwnam requests. getpwnam string; # LDAP filter to use for getpwuid requests. getpwuid filter; }
The ldap
statement configures the use of LDAP for authentication.
Enables LDAP lookups. If absent, ‘enable On’ is assumed.
Sets the URL of the LDAP server.
Defines base DN for LDAP lookups.
Defines the DN for accessing LDAP database.
Password for use when binding to the database.
Enable the use of TLS when connecting to the server.
Set LDAP debug level. Please refer to the OpenLDAP documentation, for allowed number values and their meaning.
Defines a map for parsing LDAP replies. The map is a list of mappings1. Each mapping is ‘field=attr’, where attr is the name of the LDAP attribute and field is a field name that declares what information that attribute carries. Available values for field are:
User name.
User password.
UID of the user.
GID of the primary group.
Textual description of the user.
User’s home directory
User’s shell program.
The default mapping is
("name=uid", "passwd=userPassword", "uid=uidNumber", "gid=gidNumber", "gecos=gecos", "dir=homeDirectory", "shell=loginShell")
Defines the LDAP filter to use for ‘getpwnam’ requests. The default is:
(&(objectClass=posixAccount) (uid=$user))
Defines the LDAP filter to use for ‘getpwuid’ requests. The default filter is:
(&(objectClass=posixAccount) (uidNumber=$user))
Statementtls { # Specify SSL certificate file. ssl-certificate-file string; # Specify SSL certificate key file. ssl-key-file file; # Specify trusted CAs file. ssl-ca-file file; # Set the priorities to use on the ciphers, methods, etc. ssl-priorities string; # Set timeout for I/O operations during TLS handshake (seconds). handshake-timeout n; }
The ‘tls’ statement configures TLS parameters to be used by servers. It can appear both in the global scope and in server scope. Global tls settings are applied for servers that are declared as supporting TLS encryption, but lack the ‘tls’ substatement.
Specify SSL certificate file.
Specify SSL certificate key file.
Specify the trusted certificate authorities file.
Set the priorities to use on the ciphers, key exchange methods, MACs and compression methods.
Set the timeout (in seconds) for I/O operations during TLS handshake. Default value is 10 seconds.
Statementtls-file-checks { # Configure safety checks for SSL key file. key-file list; # Configure safety checks for SSL certificate. cert-file list; # Configure safety checks for SSL CA file. ca-file list; }
This section configures security checks applied to the particular SSL configuration files in order to decide whether it is safe to use them.
Configure safety checks for SSL key file. Elements of the list are names of individual checks, optionally prefixed with ‘+’ to enable or ‘-’ to disable the corresponding check. Valid check names are:
Disable all checks.
Enable all checks.
Forbid group writable files.
Forbid world writable files.
Forbid group readable files.
Forbid world writable files.
Forbid symbolic links in group or world writable directories.
Forbid files in group writable directories.
Forbid files in world writable directories,
Configure safety checks for SSL certificate. See
for a description of list.
Configure safety checks for SSL CA file. See
for a description of list.
Editor’s note:
This node is to be written. |
gsasl { # Name of GSASL password file. cram-passwd file; # SASL service name. service string; # SASL realm name. realm string; # SASL host name. hostname string; # Anonymous user name. anonymous-user string; }
For backward compatibility, map can be a string containing colon-delimited list of mappings. Such usage is, however, deprecated.
This document was generated on January 3, 2025 using makeinfo.
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.