GNU Mailutils Manual (split by node):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: Sieve Language   Up: Sieve Language   FastForward: Reporting Bugs   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Function Index

5.6 Tests

This section describes the built-in tests supported by GNU libmu_sieve. In the discussion below the following macro-notations are used:


This tag specifies the matching type to be used with the test. It can be one of the following:


The :is match type describes an absolute match; if the contents of the first string are absolutely the same as the contents of the second string, they match. Only the string “frobnitzm” is the string “frobnitzm”. The null key “:is” and only “:is” the null value. This is the default match-type.


The :contains match type describes a substring match. If the value argument contains the key argument as a substring, the match is true. For instance, the string “frobnitzm” contains “frob” and “nit”, but not “fbm”. The null key “” is contained in all values.


The :matches version specifies a wildcard match using the characters ‘*’ and ‘?’. ‘*’ matches zero or more characters, and ‘?’ matches a single character. ‘?’ and ‘*’ may be escaped as ‘\\?’ and ‘\\*’ in strings to match against themselves. The first backslash escapes the second backslash; together, they escape the ‘*’.


The :regex version specifies a match using POSIX Extended Regular Expressions.

:value relation

The :value match type does a relational comparison between strings. Valid values for relation are:




Not Equal


Greater Than


Greater than or Equal


Less Than


Less than or Equal

:count relation

This match type first determines the number of the specified entities (headers, addresses, etc.) in the message and does a relational comparison of the number of entities to the values specified in the test expression. The test expression must be a list of one element.


A comparator syntax item is defined as follows:

:comparator "comparator-name"

It instructs sieve to use the given comparator with the test. If comparator-name is not one of ‘i;octet’, ‘i;ascii-casemap’ it must be required prior to using it. For example:

require "comparator-i;ascii-numeric";

if header :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" :is "X-Num" "10"

This syntax item is used when testing structured Internet addresses. It specifies which part of an address must be used in comparisons. Exactly one of the following tags may be used:


Use the whole address. This is the default.


Use local part of the address.


Use domain part of the address.

Notice, that match-type modifiers interact with comparators. Some comparators are not suitable for matching with :contains or :matches. If this occurs, sieve issues an appropriate error message. For example, the statement:

if header :matches :comparator "i;ascii-numeric"

would result in the following error message:

comparator `i;ascii-numeric' is incompatible with match type `:matches'
in call to `header'

GNU Sieve supports two kinds of tests. Built-in tests are defined within the library and do not require any external files. External tests are loadable modules that can be linked in at run time using the require statement (see Require Statement).

GNU Mailutils Manual (split by node):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: Sieve Language   Up: Sieve Language   FastForward: Reporting Bugs   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Function Index